Energy Visuals (EVI) develops visualization products to meet the needs of the energy industry.

The initial focus of EVI was on the development of interactive oneline diagrams (onelines) of the high voltage electric tranmission grid. Energy Visuals collects the relevant data from across the North American Power Grid and transforms it into solved power flow cases. These oneline cases, which are developed using PowerWorld Simulator, allow users to better visualize various geographic characteristics of the transmission grid, such as the flows on various lines, the magnitudes of the bus voltages, or contours of locational marginal prices. Present customers include electric utilities, power marketers, independent generation companies, regulators and industry consultants.

EVI has now developed products such as FirstRate generator cost data to input cost data for generators in PowerWorld SimulatorTM OPF or other products using the MMWG/ERAG, ERCOT or WECC based power flow cases. Another series of products are the TA-PJM Network Model for PJM power markets, TA-CAISO for CAISO CRR FNM power markets. FirstRate® generator cost products for TA-Eastern (MMWG/ERAG), TA-WECC & TA-ERCOT products.

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Transmission Atlas is a Trademark and FirstRate® is a registered Trademark of Energy Visuals, Inc.